Lord of light roger zelazny book

He won his first of six hugo awards for lord of light, and soon after produced the first book of his enormously popular amber series, nine princes in amber. He has edited several anthologies and is the author of the nonfiction book that focuses on himself, written also with the help of neil randall that was published in 1988. For six days he had offered many kilowatts of prayer, but the static kept him from being heard on high. Buy a cheap copy of lord of light book by roger zelazny. His followers called him mahasamatman and said he was a god. His stories have been featured in a multitude of anthologies. The story of lord of light is that a group of high tech people with ineluctable. It was awarded the 1968 hugo award for best novel, and nominated for a nebula award in the same category.

The default zelazny book is a male comingofage story. Roger zelazny solidified his position on my favorite authors list with lord of light. See all books authored by roger zelazny, including the great book of amber, and lord of light, and more on. In the 1960s, roger zelazny dazzled the sf world with what seemed to be inexhaustible talent and inventiveness. This brilliant seminal sf novel plays a big role in the real events behind the oscarnominated film, but unfairly doesnt get a mention. Lord of light 1967 is a science fantasy novel by american author roger zelazny. Long story short, immortals from earth set up shop on another world and assumed the guise of hindu gods.

Its the best writing of his that ive come across so far. Lord of light is an epic contained in just under a threehundred page novel. Fantasy disguised as science fiction disguised as fantasy. He won his first of six hugo awards for lord of light, and soon after produced. Lord of light, his third novel, is his finest book. Lord of light by roger zelazny, 9780575094215, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. Roger zelazny burst onto the sf scene in the early 1960s with a series of dazzling and groundbreaking short stories. A strange tale of hindu gods that arent, this novels progress through the real world was. Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers.

On a colony planet, a band of men has gained control of technology, made themselves immortal, and now rule their world as the gods of the hindu pantheon. Its ideas are grand and ambitious, as much in the vein of fantasy as in science fiction, the basic structure of much of the novel borrowed from the creation myth of buddhist lore heavily based on reality but mythologised after two and a half millennia, the aforementioned sam taking on the role of prince siddhartha. Roger zelazny has contributed to the third book in the nebula award stories series, published in 1967. Roger zelazny books list of books by author roger zelazny.